Photos of Vietnam: David Brasher

Welcome to the Viet Nam photo album of Charlie Trooper David Brasher. David served with distinction and honor in Charlie Troop from September 1969 to September 1970. David is allowing us to include his favorite Nam Charlie Troop photos in our collection:

On March 26th 1969 I was inducted into the U.S. Army. Same day, I was on a bus headed to Fort Polk, Louisiana for basic training. After completing basic training, I was sent to (AIT) Advance Infantry Training at Tigerland at Fort Polk. After completing AIT August 1969, and to no surprise, my orders read Vietnam. I arrived in Vietnam on September 1, 1969. Still remember the heat and smell as we got off the plane. “What have I got myself into” I thought. Am I going to survive a year of this. Second night in Nam, I was assigned to guard duty and received snipper fire on our tower. Then after a couple of days processing I was assigned to the First Cavalry Division, Charlie Troop 1/9th. My first helicopter ride was in a chinook. Carrying my M-16 with gear and wearing a helmet. I thought, surely they are not going to drop us off and we were going to be in the middle of a fire fight the minute we would land. My mind was running wild with thoughts, and anxiety was setting in. When landing, and opening up the back platform, Thank God we were on an airstrip at Phouc Vinh and not dropped off in a jungle who knows where. After Finding my way to the Charlie Troop’s orderly room to check in, I felt a little more relieved. Then to my surprise, I was told my MOS would be changed from 11B to 71B (Company Clerk). Things were looking better, but not for long. My first night living in a hooch things changed from better to worse. First night I heard the shout INCOMING! Our hooch was directly across from the maintenance hanger and it received several hits. Me being a newbe, I had no idea what was going on, but I was a fast learner. Does not take long to know the sound of enemy Rockets and Mortars vs outgoing artillery. We had rocket and mortar attacks almost nightly for the first 30 days I was in Nam. It was a crazy year indeed. Made friends, Lost friends. I truly believe I served with the best there was, red platoon, white platoon, and blue platoon. All great guys just doing what they were assigned to do and putting their lives on the line everyday. Respect for all!! Thank you brothers, welcome home. Never forget those who gave their all! RIP brothers.