Please feel free to sign our guest book page by using the “ADD A COMMENT” box below.

If you are a former Charlie Trooper, please let us know more about you, (Rank, Dates, etc) so we can add you to our roster!


  1. Edd “Hogie” Hogeboom, W-1(while in-country) Cavalier 16, Scouts, Charlie Troop 1/9, 1st Air Cav.
    An indescribable Honor to serve and be a part of this incredible and undying Brotherhood!! May God’s Blessings be upon each of you both now and forever more!!!

  2. Nice site! Be advised that the picture identified at WO Joel McDonnell is NOT Joel McDonnell. It was taken from a group picture of the C Troop Lift Section, circa 1966.
    Joel McDonnell is the third from the right in that picture with his face down! Pat Bieneman did not know when or where he got the picture. It had the name Crawford in the file name so it probably came from Cpt George Crawford or Lt Michael Crawford. If the owner of the picture see this, I would like to hear from you. Cpt Crawford was wounded in action Dec 17, 1966. Lt Al McAuliffe and WO Joel McDonnell crashed at Hammond Field the morning of Dec 18 and were both KIA. I know because I was the crewchief and sole survivor of UH-1D 65-09809. Lt Crawford and Bill Strobel brought me my shave gear at the hospital five days later. Thanks, Mike!

    1. “To those who have fought for it, Life has a flavor that the protected will never know!”
      Between mortars, rockets, RPGs, booby traps and bullets, there was no safe place in for a soldier in Vietnam.
      Remember your Christmas in the Nam? Mine was spent on an ambush patrol near the Cambodian border.
      25th Infantry Division-3/22nd Battalion, Tay Ninh, Vietnam-We may have served in different units in different AOs but our mission was the same! -Courage on the Mountain- Free to Amazon Prime members- Over one hundred 5 star reviews-

      Glad that you made it home brother!

      George Reischling

  3. what an awesome web site. my dad Louis Walton would be so proud. I am honored to part of such a wonderful family. thank you to all the men and women who have served this great country. God bless you for making this web sight .

  4. Great site. I had a wonderful time at the 2016 reunion at Branson with the troopers. It was great seeing all the men I served with. Hope to be with everyone again at future reunions. Thanks Tom, Grover, Dutch,

    1. One of my personal highlights of the reunion was to see you after so many yr . God bless you and take cair of you until we can see each other again.

  5. was in 3/17th at benning ,became c tp 1/9in july went rvn in aug 65,was cc gunner for thirsty was very bad but we gave the nva some good ojt,they were ready for our guy”s didn”t let up.of the unit”i have served in C TP 1/9 WAS THE VERY BEST

  6. The only increase in food cost may be in the one cost I haven’t put out yet and that is lunch at Union Station. I will update when I know the cost for sure. Looking for a good turn out in Gettysburg.

  7. This site is helping Brothers to reach out and find their Comrades. It is also bringing a lot of memories back to many of us. I am sure it is one of the reasons that Charlie Troop’s reunions keep getting bigger and better. Hope to see many more in Gettysburg.

  8. I was proud to have served with C-Trp 1/9 Cav it was and always will be the Best Unit. I was very proud of our trooper’s from the beginning to the end of the Viet Nam War and I really enjoy meeting all the C-Trp fellows and talking with them hearing there stories is great. I am proud that you all made the 1/9 Cav the best unit in the 1st Cavalry Division. thank You Brother’s see you in Gettysburg, Pa in Sept 2017.

  9. AJ lives. Scouts 68,69,70 with a several month detour to Blues for entertainment purposes. Guess i’m finally getting’ old enough to deal with it. S.

  10. I took a trip up ti LA. Lower Alabama to visit Titch. We took one day and drove up to Birmingham and visited with Mrs. Cleo Hiner. 1LT Franklin J. Hiner served in Charlie Troop in 1965 and 66. He returned home and married Cleo. Less than a year later he was back in Vietnam with the 240th AHC. Frank was killed on the 25th of June 1968. Cleo was so happy to meet Titch since Titch served with her husband. Titch related a story to her. When Titch came back from the hospital Lt Hiner came into his hootch and offered him his R&R to Bangkok. Titch told him all of his money was in escrow and since the R&R started in 3 days he wouldn’t be able to take it. LT Hiner told Titch he would give him $300.00 and Titch could pay him back when he got back and got the money out of escrow. She was so happy to hear that story.

  11. Grover Wright is resting peacefully in the hospital after h=suffering from two heart attacks. He asked me to tell everyone that he has shut his cell phone off becuase it hurts just to talk. He said his wife, Stephanie, will keep my updated and then I can pass that one. Please even if you Ztephanie’s Cell number do not call. She has enough on her plate.

  12. My Uncle Howard Sessoms was part of this group. He was a door gunner. He was KIA June 21, 1967. If any of you knew him please share your stories. Thank you

    1. I operate a blog for Charlie Troop. On it you will see a post about your uncle. I am looking for brothers,sisters, mothers,fathers and yes nieces and nephews of Our Fallen Brothers. I would like to talk to you. You can respond to this email or call me at 859-771-6342.


  13. I was Randy Zahns CE in 70-71, think it may be time for another reunion, last I attended was in DC in 2000. Love you all brothers!

  14. On 8/8/66 UH-1C #65-09546 crashed S/W of Pleiku due to poor weather and the crew was killed. Richard W Meehan, Leslie D Nickels, Tony Bakke, and Gerald S Simons were all C/1/9 Cav. ALSO a B/1/9 Cav crew was lost during a search and rescue of the previous. UH-1D #65-09546
    and it’s crew, John J Becker Jr., Eric R. Nordman, Andy Johnson Jr., and Frank Lee Blevins. Frank L Blevins is my brother and I was hoping someone may have known him or maybe have a photo of him in the background of any that you may have taken. He was there from April 66
    to August. Got the Sunday Kansas City paper sent from home. Was the Crew Chief and nickname was Paco. Had been in Germany before
    deciding to go to VN. Any news or photos would really be appreciated more than you can imagine. Thank all of you 1st of the 9th Cav Airmobile!!
    Don R Blevins

    1. This is to correct previous error in the statement about the 8/8/66 casualties. Troop C was UH-1C #65-09546 and Troop B was UH-1D #65-09675.

  15. Don,

    If you are on Facebook, type in Bravo Troop and the Bravo Troop site will come up. That will be the best place to find someone who may have served with him. Or you can type Jennifer Marshall in the search block. Jennifer is into Bravo Troop big time. You can also do the same for Bat Murtha. Bat runs the Bravo Troop reunions.

  16. Great photos by John Strickland. I hope your reunion In Gettysburg was as good as Apache Troop’s in Alexandria, VA, last month. Thank you all for your service, and for making 1/9th the best Cavalry regiment in RVN!

  17. Just finished going through the 600 pictures of Charlie Troop 1/9 again. They have brought back some memories that I haven’t thought about since I left Nam in 70. Seeing those pictures of Tom Soma, especially Rhett Lewis and Grover Wright. Proud that I served with the best damn troopers in Nam and will ever be grateful to each one of you weather I knew you or not I consider you my brothers for life. God bless everyone of you.

  18. I received a comment on my blog from a young lady. She said a friend had found some medal with the name Names Wright and Carlie Troop 1/9th Cavalry. She wants to return them to him or his family. I see where we had a Names Wright assigned to us in 1969. Dies anyo e know him? She said a frie d of gers bought them at a Flea Market in Virginia. Let me know.

  19. My husband who died Feb. 6, 2017 is on the roster but his name is misspelled. It’s SSG Gary Ritchason, not Ritcharson. He served in C troop 3/69 to 2/70. I have lots of letters and photos from his time there. We were already married. Gary grew up in Batavia, IL and that is where we were living at at time of his death, (3 weeks after becoming ill – – cancer which was determined by the VA to be Agent Orange related). Thank you all for your service!!
    Dee Ritchason

  20. I just posted a story on my blog written by a 2lt George Kalergis. George was a FO in Charlie Troop for a month before being reassigned. He was there in 1967 at LZ Pony and flew in Red and White ships. He talks about the Pilots in Charlie Troop as Top Gun Quality. He even remembers the day that Jim Hohman jumped off the helicopter to secure a prisoner and the ground opened up and the VC started firing. Jim was left on the ground that day until the Blues came in and got him. Does anyone of the Pilots or Crew Chiefs remember him?

  21. checked in country to charlie troop for 3 days before being moved to newly formed echo troop aug 1970.served as a scout observer and gunner. have never seen a single troop I served with since. was wondering if i might run into some at this reunion. I flew 1 mission with Mr tuttle before moving on to echo. i remember him cause we were homeboys,hunington beach ca

  22. Was with the Blues frist year all of ( 69 ) and Scout’s till march of ( 70 ) till we were shot down in Cambodia. Just passing thur

  23. My father Carl Turner Jr. is listed on the page as Karl Turner 66-67? He served from Nov of 1967 to Nov of 1968. He went on to make a career in the military serving 20 years. He retired in 1986 from Fort Stewart, GA. He passed away on 01/02/03. I teach U.S. and World History and would love to get some information about my father and the men he served with in Vietnam and some of the battles he may have taken part in. Anyone willing speak with me you can contact me at

    Brenda Turner Brown

    1. Brenda,

      Do you know what your father did in Vietnam? Was he in the infantry, did he work with helicopters, in supply or some other form of administration? Do you have a picture of your father when he was in Vietnam? This information can really help us. We do have several members who served at the same time as your dad but our memories aren’t quite the same as it use to be until it is jogged. If you like you can send the picture to

  24. Wm. Bill Maki best crew chief ever and Howard Geo. Miller CWO 2 VN 68/69

    1. Agree,Maki was a great crew chief and one of the best in lift,maybe the best. I did four or five missions with him on a Huey as his gunner. They were extractions and down birds. Remember one mission where he had me grab six good sand bags told me to meet him at his brid where he had rope tied to the cargo rings and he and I tied the other end around the sandbags. Once over the the extraction site we lowered the bags on rope over the side where a LERP team jumped on and took a ride. Maki,yes a good man. Wasn’t he from Boston? Thanks and keep on trooping.

  25. I am happy to have found this site. My father Steve Monger was a helicopter gunner and served from 70-71 and was WIA . If anyone served with him and has any pictures or stories to share it would be greatly appreciated. As well as the locations he might have been. My father is still living but not one to get information from and I am always looking to learn and understand more about his time there. Thank you all for your service!

  26. Serves Jan 70-march71 first in Blues the operations radio operator-ended up E5
    Currently live in Dyer,Indiana
    Great site thanks for keeping it up

    1. Jim, I can’t believe I saw your name on this website, I’ve been looking for you for years, send me an email!!!!

    1. Jerry! Darn great question!

      I went to Ed Gruetzemacher II, who was our Troop Maintenance Officer from 1969-70. This is his reply:

      While I was there an C Troop was authorized:
      AH 1’s=9
      OH 6’s=10
      UH 1’s=6(?)

      During my time we still had a couple UH 1 B’s and a couple UH 1C’s left over when they were the guns prior to fielding of Cobras, (we went through them by attrition).
      While I was there we kept track of those lost:
      UH1 D/H=6
      UH1 B=2
      UH1 C=2
      OH6 =30 (the first one that made it to the 300 hr PE we had a party for it!!)
      The OH6’s were also the reason I got to spend a lot of time with the Blues, either rigging for sling out or destroying in place.
      We lost a couple due to incoming and a couple to accidents but obviously the preponderance was due to combat action.
      Hope you are having as much fun spoiling your beautiful grand-baby as I am my 4. 😃

  27. Hey guys, anybody remember Lt Craig Herget from C Troop? Time frame 67-68. Would like to get in touch with him.
    Rick Johnson, Cavalier 27, C Trp guns, Aug 67-68.

  28. Dear Charlie troop comrades of 1965-66. I am sorry to notify you that one of our old buddies has passed away. Peter Burbank, my co-author of the book “The Gunner and the Grunt” died on August 8th,2020 in Florida. Peter was a retired Portland, Maine police officer and retired SFC in the U.S. Army Reserve. Peter served as a rifleman in the “Blues” Platoon from late Nov 65 to late Nov 66. Peter was a good man and I will miss him very much. You may remember seeing him at our 2015 Ft. Benning Reunion. He was a long time friend.—- Mike Kelley, Scouts & Weapons Plt.

  29. I forgot to add some contact info on my last post. If anyone wants to read the book about the 1-9th Cav, 65-66, by Mike Kelley and Peter Burbank titled “The Gunner and the Grunt”, (Stories of Huey Door Gunners, Scouts, The Blues Recon Infantry Platoon and the Lift Platoon), send a check or money order to : Michael Kelley, 390 Shawsheen Street, Tewksbury, Ma. 01876. Book costs $15 and packaging and postage is $5. Total is $20. Send me the $20 and I will ship you a book. If you want it autographed, let me know. I can do that for you. Thank you and best wishes. —-Mike Kelley PS: Thanks to Pat and Grover for their excellent work keeping all of us informed.

  30. Sometimes when I’m sitting around I go back to the time with Charlie troop and try to remember details. Today I tried to look up Rodney Sacre. I found the obit that He died in 1979. Rodney was one of the people along with Tom Soma who tried to help me when I transferred to Scouts. I was wondering if anyone knows what caused this. Once on the old site I saw where a trooper was killed in Vegas but I couldn’t find it again. Sacre was the one who jumped over 25 ft out of a loach and broke both legs trying to help when We crashed. I never knew who was flying the day We crashed until I stopped by John Strickland’s house. I was told to fly with the new guy (John Atkins)
    I saw where Mr Mathis was also gone. Is there perhaps someone who can a little info?

    In the words of my hero (Bickle) Keep on trooping

  31. I was recently asked if I had the Call-signs for the Troopers in the Red and White platoons form 1970-71. After a lot of research, I cam up with about 40-45. I would like to get from each of you, what ever call-signs your remember from the time you served in C Troop and who they belonged to. i am not just looking for the Red and White Platoons but for every ones call-signs. Once I compile the list, I will send it to Meghan for inclusion onto this site as well as post it to my blog. This will only be as successful if I can get your assistance.

    Thank you. Please send your listing or your call-sign to and not to this site.

  32. My father, John Joseph “Woody” Woodruff was a door gunner/crew chief on a Loach during Vietnam (1968 to 1969). Tragically, he passed away at the end of 2015. As I came across your website, I was touched to find my dad’s name on your Roster. I was filled with pride to see his name listed amongst those of his brothers. To see that his legacy lives on and is not forgotten means so much to me. You will never know how truly grateful I am for your service to this Nation and for this service to my father, for continuing his legacy. God bless you all!

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