This is the Viet Nam photo album of Charlie Troop Scout Platoon member John Strickland. John served in Charlie Troop from January 1969 to January 1970. John has willingly allowed us to include his favorite Nam Charlie Troop photos in our collection:
A message from John Strickland:
“In January 1969 I arrived in An Khe, assigned to the 1st Air Cavalry Div. On the 1st day in formation, a Huey came flying by with a LOH slung under it. The Sgt said some of you will be flying in the LOH. I spent my days there typing lesson plans in the orderly room, and only left to sight my M-16 in. A few days later, my feet touched ground in Phouc Vinh assigned to C Trp 1/9 Cav. My first thoughts were “What the hell am I doing here?”
Got all checked in, and had to go to supply where they took my M-16 I had sighted in, and issued me another. I said I just sighted that one in, and I was told here you put it on auto and pull the trigger. I was assigned to the White a scout observer and I thought “O shit.” I met SSg Fasthorse, who sort of filled me in on what I was to expect.
When I arrived in Nam I was 25 years old, and I was flying in helicopters being flown by 18 year old pilots out of flight training; and those that was covering my ass was no older either. Don’t know which was worse, being shot at, or depending on these pilots to get me back safe. That being said I just want to say that the year I spent with Charlie Troop was the best year I had while in service. Never had I served with such a great group of troopers. All of you are the best that I could have served with. God bless each one of you my brothers.”