Keith “Make My Day Owens”
Keith Owens was an armorer in the Red Platoon, Charlie Troop, from July 1969 thru July, 1970.
1. Richard Torres
3. Arthur Kearney, Roger Deel
5. Duane Grenz
7. Montagnard lady
8. Ross, Ed Scheurer, “Dove” Delloud.
9. Richard Torres
11. Reyes Garcia, ? Ross, Roger Deel
12. Relaxation time!
13. Ed Scheurer
14. Burning stuff…
15. Duane Grenz kicking back.
16. Richard Torres
17. Termites in a Cobra’s blades? Nope…enemy 107mm rocket.
18. Enemy 107mm rocket hole
19. A cobra firing its 20mm gattling gun.
20. Richard Torres
21. Enemy 107mm rocket damage
22. Enemy 107mm rocket damage
23. Charlie Troop area
24. The beach at Vung Tau… parts run!
25. ?, Ed Scheurer
26. Inspecting battle damage.
27. Enemy rocket damage is extensive.
28. C Troop Combat Maintenance Hangar art PV
29. 20mm gattling gun
30. Cobra blades need replacing now!
32. Marshall “Bones” Maring
33. James Land, Roger Deel
34. Marshall “Bones” Maring, Richard
35. Ed Scheurer
36. Tom Morris
37. Sharing rations with a montagnard mother.
39. Marshall “Bones” Maring
40. Duane Grenz
44. Enemy 107mm rocket damaged Cobra badly.
45. Richard Torres and Roger Deel
46. Richard Torres (in background)
Keith Owens” backside
50. A downed cobra is returned to C Troop.
51. C Troop area at PV
52. Departing cobra at Phouc Vinh
53. Ron Leonard, ? Sapp
54. Part of the C Troop Flight Line
55. Steve & Keith in back,
Leonard & Ron in front
57. Marshall “Bones” Maring
58. C Troop Scout aircraft line
59. Elegant hootch living!
61. Ed “snake man” Scheurer
62. Marshall “Bones” Maring
63. ? Ross
64. A beautiful side of Vietnam.
65. Roadside village.
66. Front seat of a cobra gunship
67. Business end of a 20mm gattling gun.
68. A recovered scout aircraft.
70. C Troop Cobra row, PV
72. 20mm gun, side view
73. Huey shadow at low level
74. Village homes
75. Steve & Rich
76. Ed Scheurer
77. Inside the C Troop Ammo Point
78. Cobra maintenance being performed
79. C Troop area at PV
80. Vietnamese village
81. Repelling practice
82. Beautiful
83. Land, Ross
84. Steffan
85. Recovered “Iron Butterfly” cobra
86. Ed Scheurer
87. Roger Deel, Richard Torres
88. James Land
90. Ross, Scheurer, Land with 68-15752
91. Roger Deel
93. Robb, Roger Deel,
Cleveland “Julio” Rogers
94. Duane Grenz
95 Cleveland “Julio” Rogers
96. Roger Deel
97. Ross
98. ?, ?, Roger Deel
99. Land, Deel
100. Roger Deel
101. Army Mule… the original ATV!
102. Recovered “Iron Butterfly.”
103. Marshall “Bones” Maring
104. what an enemy 107mm rocket can do
105. “Iron Butterfly”
106. The turret, twin miniguns
107. A bend in the rivers
108. Ross
109. Saigon
110. Children are always children
111. Richard Torres, Steve ?
112. C Troop, cobra row
113. Keith Owens, ?, ?
114. Russel Reinhardt, Deel, Ross
115. Ed Scheurer, Arthur Kearney
116. Cobra
117. Roger Deel
118. Richard Torres overhauling a minigun and a 40mm
119. Roger Deel
121. Village life
122. A montagnard woman and her child.
123. Putney
124. Ed Scheurer, Robert Ford, Ross
125. Beach at Vung Tau…
near where we received aircraft parts
126. Keith Owens, Roger Deel
127. Putney
128. Roger “the housewife” Deel
129. Countryside. Hard to imagine
a war going on in some places.
130. Joeseph Dinardo, Roger Deel,
Tom Stokesberry
132. Ross, Reyes Garcia
133. Richard, Keith, Steve
134. A view from the cabin of a huey.
135. C Troop area at PV
137. ?, ?, Roger Deel
138. Duane Grenz
139. Keith Owens
140. Keith Owens
141. Keith and Roger Deel
142. Keith working on the weapons
143. Keith and their hootch maid
Keith Owen
Marilyn, his wife, and Keith
Keith & Marilyn
Keith & Marilyn
Keith & Marilyn