Photos of Vietnam #401 – #600 [clear] [clear] 401) Dave Roger, 1970 402) Ron Bodholt, 1968 403) Ross and Garcia, PV 1969 404) Ross, Ford, and Ed Scheurer, PV, 1969 405) ARVN Troops, 1969 406) ARVN Troops, 1969 407) Saigon 408) Searching for “charlie” 409) Hiller Scout ship, Sep 23 1968 410) Tom Criser 411) Names? Keith Owens, PV, 1969 412) name? shrapnel tailoring! PV, 1969 413) “Billy” Shoeshine Lad, PV 1969 414) USO show at PV, 1970 415) USO Show at PV, 1969 416) Blues coming home! Robert Florez, 3rd from left 417) John Powell (left), name? PV, 1969 418) Irling Smth (left), name? 1968-69 419) Names? far right Curt Lewis, 1968-69 420) PV Officer’s Club, 1969 421) name?, Irling Smith, Name? 422) “Smitty” 423) The “Alaskan” without her painted rocket pods, 1969 424) G. Wright and the “Alaskan” 1969 425) Grover Wright w/shrapnel snake, 1969 426) Ed “Cobra” Scheurer, Keith Owens, Dellovo ‘Dove’ 1969-70 427) Snake row at Vung Tau, 1969 428) James H. “Sonny” Boles, 1967-69 429) James H. “Sonny” Boles, 1967-69 at Evans 430) Name?, name? 1967? 431) “Sonny” Boles, Name? Camp Evans, 1968 432) SP4 name? Norton, 1969 433) David Sparkman & William Wede, PV, 1970 434) Steve ? and Richard ?1970 435) Steve “Spiffy” Karas, 1969-70 436) Steve “Spiffy” Karas, with Monk, PV, 1969-70 437) Steve Karas, 1969-70 438) Pat Stewart-Vaughn Lane, 1969 439) Tom Stokesberry and Bob Ford, PV 1969 440) Mike Strobel, PV, 1970 441) Tan, PV 1969 442) Terry Washburn, unk, Jan Janus, Bill Wagner, unk, Norm Knodt, Mike Tuttle. (Evans April 1968) 443) Ed “Snakeman” Schuerer, PV, 1969-70 444) (L-R) Chuck Frazier, Toby Tyler, Dan Rager, Steve Beene, Tom Whiddon (KIA) 445) “The HULK”..Van Joyce (KIA) Larry Edeal, and Mauser (KIA) 446) Tim Hope, PV, 1969-70 447) Tom Stokesberry, 1969 448) Tom Walker, PV, 1969-70 449) Tom Walker, PV, 1969-70 450) Richard Torres, PV, 1969-70 451) Tue, PV, 1969 452) Tuttle, Sparkman, Strobel 453) John B. Ramsaur, Barry Kingman (KIA Dec 29, 1968), PV 1968 454) Uncle Ho’s truck! Aloui, Ashau, April 1968 455) John “Unkle” Craig, 1970 456) unk, Bob Ford, and Keith Owen, 1969 457) Unk, Unk, Lee Salazar, Date? 458) Vaughn Lane, Song Be, 1969-70 459) VC Camp, 1970 460) Ronald “Barney” Vestal, 1970-71 461) Vie, PV, 1969 462) Village, 1970 463) Village, 1970 464) Village, info? 465) Business District! 466) Ervin Nelson, PV, 1969-70 467) Vung Tau, 1970 468) Walker Jones, 1970-71 469) Walker Jones, 1970 470) Tom Walker, & Name?, PV, 1969 471) William Wede, PV, 1970 472) William Wede, with Monk, 1970 473) Bill Wede & JudyCassidy, 1970 474) William Wede, letters home 1970 475) John Atkins, Lou Farrell, PV, 1969 476) Cliff Lee, 1969-70 477) Edd Hogeboom, PV, 1969 478) John “Walnetto” Atkins, PV, 1969-70 479) Grover Wright, PV, 1969-70 480) Christmas 1969, PV 481) Randy Zahn PV, 1970 482) John Atkins, PV, Nov69 483) Big Guns! 484) John Anderson, KIA Jul 21, 1969 485) ZIT; 15990 486) 67783 487) 15990 and ?Name 488) Bunker Time, Name?, 1969 489) “Bushmaster” Rudy Ribbeck 490) BV in Middle, names? 491) Lift Book Club 1970 492) CE’s…names? 493) Cobra15-461flownbyIrlingSmith&JonMyers. CE Crosby 494) Blues on a Break 495) Boardman and Powers 496) Cambodia from 1500 feet 497) Brian Holcomb 498) Greg Jayne, PV, 1969 499) John Jelich, 1969 500) Names?….(Tom Soma photo) 501) Tom Soma, Camp Evans, 1968 502) Tom Soma 1969 503) Tom Soma and Greg Jayne, 1969 Tom Soma, KIA, Dec 30, 1969 505) Tom Soma; WO Ward, Camp Evans, Sep 1968 506) Rennie Norris, and Tom Soma 507) Name?, (Tom Soma photo) 508) (Tom Soma photos LOACH) 509) Rayford “Reefer” Wilson, 1968 510) Tom Soma, Camp Evans, Dec 1968 511) Tom Soma, 1968 512) John Jelich and ? (Tom Soma photo) 513) John Strickland (Tom Soma photo) 514) Mike Rhodes, 1968 (Tom Soma photo) 515) Tom Soma being Decorated 516) “Rythm Masters” 517) 518) Tom Soma photos, PV 1969 519) John Woodruff 520) Tom Soma photos Camp Evans, 1968 521) Rayford “Reefer” Wilson (Tom Soma photo) 522) Tom Soma photo 523) Names? (Tom Soma photo) 524) Mike LaChance, “Blue” 1970 525) David Drews Photo 526) Bob Lemaster, David Drews, Randy Kekar 1971 527) Bill Martin 1965-66 528) “Rappel” when we can’t land the aircraft! 529) Dick Denning & Mike Crawford (Photo by Mike Kelley) 530) Frank Hiser & Jerry Grimm, Bong Son 531) Joe Waters and Gary B. Hayes 532) Frank Hiser photo of Montangyard Chief in a French Soldier uniform 533) Frank Hiser “Last Lite.” 534) Frank Hiser, ‘Thirsty Red Alpha’ 1966 535) Frank Hiser “Farmhouse” 1966 536) Frank Hiser Montagnard Mamasan 537) Frank Hiser Montangyard Village 1966 538) Highway 19 cuts through the fertile crescent., 1966 539) Mike Bogdue & Frank Hiser, 1966 540) Near the border in the IDRang AO, 1966 541) Peaceful scene. Waterwheel, fish traps, dugout canoe & spider hole. 542) Red Team on the prowl 543) Robert ‘Bob’ Young ‘Thirsty White’ 1965 544) Rudy Ribbeck, Avenger ’23’ 1966 545) Roy Wolff, ” Thirsty Red” 1966 546) LZ Hammond MASH, 1967 547) A wee bit unusual rigging, 1967 548) Jim Hohman at LZ Hammond 1967 549) Move to LZ 2 bits, 1967 550) O Club at LZ 2 Bits, 1967 551) “Red Mike,” Derald Jackson 552) Nothing like having “Red platoon” cover, 1967 553) Rosy Rosenthal, Name? -Street 554) Sin City at An Khe, 1967 555) Temple in Binh Dinh Province, 1967 556) The Bong Son Plain, 1967 557) The mouth of the An Lao Valley, 1967 558) Tom Foster with his C model chunker, 1967 559) Tom Warner at LZ Two Bits, (a great friend of Mike Kelley) 1967 560) Unk_Street and Dennis ‘Rosy Rosenthal’, 1967 561) Village near Qui Nhon, 1967 562) Warm Shower? Maybe, if the sun was out. 563) Where are we..? (Name), 1967 564) Rudy Ribbeck preflights, 1967 565) Unk. and Dennis ‘Rosy’ Rosenthal, 1967 566) Charlie Troop area at LZ Hammond, 1967 567) Chow at LZ Hammond, 1967 568) CP at LZ Hammond, 1967 569) Wild Elephants, 1967 570) unk, Vince Nelson, unk, unk PV, 1969 571. Warren Thomas Lillie, 1965-1966 572) From Jerry Berggren: The C Troop Lift Section in late 1966. The two KIAs were 1LT Al McAuliffe (third from the left) and WO Joel McDonnell (third from the right.) The guy standing in the helicopter has erroneously been identified as Joel Mc Donnell – but he is not! 573) William E. Gibson, November, 1967, Two Bits. 574) (L) Joe Horstman (C) Larry Trent (R) ?? Diamond; (Larry Trent photo) 575) Charlie Troop in the rain 576) Chicom Rocket…..close call 577) Dave Owens Wrecked Bell LZ Two Bits with Captain Smith 1967 578) Larry Trent (Top) after rocket attack 579) Larry Viig, 1966-67 Blues 580) Leonard Davis, Horace “Junior” Giddens (KIA), UNK, Bill Gibson, Perry Barber, Pat Delaney, Jim Briggman, John Cavanaugh, Rick Johnson. Sep 1967 (Rudy Ribbeck photo) 581) Horace “Junior” Giddens Nov 1967 (KIA) (Leonard Davis photo) 582) Billie G. Williams; CO, “Thirsty 6” 1965-66 [clear] [clear]